Love sorrow
Lay its head in your lap and kiss it good night
Place its hand in yours and remind it of its importance
Feel its weight in your bones and remember its worth
Let it take up space in your heart but also make room for joy
Hold them both with tenderness and grace
Keep them close but give them room to move about
Listen to their stories of laughter and grief
Feel them both so there is not one left thinking they don’t belong
Allow yourself to dance between them
Amidst the tears that sorrow brings and the warmth in your heart that joy gifts to you
Let them both trickle down upon you Like the feeling of warm rain on a summer day
Love them both equally
For without sorrow we would not know joy
And without joy we would not know our capacity to touch our spirit free of pain
When you tuck them into bed whisper your words softly to them and take care not to judge them
For they can be fragile and may want to hide away lest they don’t feel seen
Wrap your arms around each of them and thank them for what they bring
Love sorrow and also joy
~ Shawnee Thornton Hardy